Community Assembly
Saturday, April 13, 9:00 – 11:30 AM
Carondelet Center G-1; Carondelet Village Theater; Zoom; and Channel 991
Sweet breads and fruit will be available before the assembly and lunch will be provided in Carondelet Center G-1 after the assembly.

Sharing, Reflecting, Searching
This assembly is within the season of our celebrations of St. Joseph (March 19), the 40th Anniversary of the Consocium, and the Welcome of New Candidates Ritual (May 1). Within this holy Easter time, we will share stories with one another. Reflecting on these celebrations and your relationship with this community, what have you discovered in your search for the divine/the Eternal/Ineffable/Creative Spirit/Beloved?

Andrea Pearson Tande will share results of her research on the role of Associates in Religious Communities today.

The Engagement Team will continue to invite us to reflect and provide feedback about the community-based leadership group.

Planning for Future Assemblies

The Community Assembly Planning Committee (CAPC) meets monthly to plan future assemblies and coordinate with the commissions and Acts of Chapter. If you are interested, please let us know you would like to help us plan future assemblies. You can reach us with any ideas or concerns by emailing

We have also put together these forms to welcome specific ideas:

CAPC members consist of one Sister or Consociate representing each of the following groups: the Ministry Commission, the Relationship and Association Commission, the Justice Commission, and Acts of Chapter. In addition three at-large members are invited to serve from any of those welcome to attend Community Assembly, including Sisters, Consociates, Friends of St. Joseph, St. Joseph Workers, and Partners in Mission.

Vision and Purpose

Vision: The Community Assembly gathers people who share the passion for justice and spirituality of loving God and neighbor without distinction and continue the mission of Jesus in the world today.

Purpose: the Community Assembly promotes new ways of engaging with each other, partners, experts, and those directly impacted by social injustices in order to:

  • Develop and strengthen relationships among persons who intentionally live the CSJ mission;
  • Understand and support the unique ways individuals and groups are living the mission;
  • Engage in significant dialogue around the acts of chapter
  • Educate ourselves about emerging needs and resources, and
  • Take action for justice and ministry within our local communities and larger world.

Commission Summaries

Ministry Commission

Relationship and Association Commission

Justice Commission

Acts of Chapter Committee:

Community Assembly Summaries